
2013թ. ամենատպավորիչ տիեզերական լուսանկարները


This captivating image of the Orion nebula reveals an area of our galaxy as a bustling neighbourhood of recently formed stars, hot gas and dark dust. The nebula is visible to the unaided eye as a small fuzzy patch in the constellation of Orion

Up until this year, images taken of Saturn's hexagonal storm have been in infrared wavelengths, showing false-colour shades of red, orange and green. In October, Cassini, which has been orbiting the planet for over nine years, captured the northern hexagon in its true, incredible colours

Mark Gee's image of the Milky Way came first in the Earth and Space Category in the Astronomy Photographer of the Year awards. The shot shows central regions of the Milky Way Galaxy - over 26,000 light years away - appearing as a tangle of dust and stars, lit up by a lighthouse on the Cape Palliser, New Zealand, shining out to sea

The sun may be 93 million miles away from Earth, but that didn't stopped amateur astronomer Ralph Smith capturing these stunning close-ups from his garden earlier this year. Shown here is a close up of the sun showing a solar prominence on its surface

The Golden Gate Bridge is visible from space in this incredible shot of San Francisco Bay taken by astronaut Chris Hadfield. In an exclusive interview with the MailOnline, the Canadian astronaut revealed that he took over 40,000 photos during his five month stint on the ISS

While this picture was taken in 2012, it went viral this year as the greatest selfie of all time. Aki Hoshide took the image at the International Space Station

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