Հասարակություն Ֆոտոներ 

Բրիտանացի երկվորյակներ՝ մաշկի տարբեր գույներով (լուսանկարներ)


Բրիտանիայի մամուլը հայտնում է մաշկի տարբեր գույներով երկվորյակների նոր զույգի մասին։ Այս մասին գրում է gazeta.ru-ն:

Չորս տարեկան երկվորյակները բնակվում են Արևմտյան Լոնդոնում։ Նրանց մայրը սպիտակամաշկ է, իսկ հայրը՝ խառնուրդ:

Բրիտանացի բժիշկները հայտարարել են, որ նման բան հնարավոր է մեկը միլիոնի հարաբերությամբ, որ երկվորյակները մաշկի տարբեր գույներ կարող են ունենալ:


Twins beat one-in-a-million odds to be born with different colour skin

**6PM EMBARGO SUNDAY JULY 5 2015** Riley and Bobby with parents Abigail Tongue and Richard George. Felton  See SWNS story SWTWINS; ëMy twin boys donít even look like theyíre relatedí ñ says a 22 year old mum of three who gave birth to twins and was shocked to see at three months old that one was white with curly hair and one had dark brown skin with straight hair  When Abigail, 22, a full time mum, from South West London, takes her sons out to play, other mums canít believe theyíre related. Some even ask if sheís babysitting someone elseís child. Bobby and Riley, now three, may have been born 30 minutes apart, but they couldnít look more different. Although they were both white babies, when the twins turned three months she started noticing shocking differences between them. Bobby, who was born first weighing 5lbs 2oz, kept his white skin and sprouted curly blonde hair whereas Riley, who weighed 5lbs 3oz, had darker brown skin and grew straight brown hair.

**6PM EMBARGO SUNDAY JULY 5 2015** Bobby and Riley twins  See SWNS story SWTWINS; ëMy twin boys donít even look like theyíre relatedí ñ says a 22 year old mum of three who gave birth to twins and was shocked to see at three months old that one was white with curly hair and one had dark brown skin with straight hair  When Abigail, 22, a full time mum, from South West London, takes her sons out to play, other mums canít believe theyíre related. Some even ask if sheís babysitting someone elseís child. Bobby and Riley, now three, may have been born 30 minutes apart, but they couldnít look more different. Although they were both white babies, when the twins turned three months she started noticing shocking differences between them. Bobby, who was born first weighing 5lbs 2oz, kept his white skin and sprouted curly blonde hair whereas Riley, who weighed 5lbs 3oz, had darker brown skin and grew straight brown hair.

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