
Փայլող մոդելներ


Լուսանկարիչ Հիդ Սաիբը մթության մեջ ֆոտոշարք է պատրաստել՝ մթության մեջ փայլող ներկով հարդարված մոդելների լուսանկարելով:


26-ամյա բրազիլացի լուսանկարիչը մոդելներին ներկել է նեոնային ներկով միայն ուլտրամանուշակագույն լույսով լուսավորելուց առաջ։ Աշխատելով մութ ստուդիայում՝ նրան հաջողվել է այնպես անել, որ մոդելների հատվածաբար դիմահարդարումը լուսավորի ստուդիան:



Հայտնի է, որ գեղեցիկ լուսանկարներ ստանալն առանց բնական լույսի բարդ նախաձեռնություն է անգամ ամենատաղանդավոր լուսանկարիչների համար, բայց Հիդ Սաիբ Նետոն մթությունից լավագույնս օգտվելու միջոց է գտել:


Մոդելների մեծամասնությունը նրա ընկերներն են, իսկ նրա միակ չափանիշն այն է, որ մոդելն ունենա գրավիչ աչքեր:

«Ես սիրում եմ աշխատել գույների հետ, և ընկերս առաջարկեց, որ ես նեոն օգտագործեմ… Դա իսկապես դժվար էր՝ աշխատել ուլտրամանուշակագույն լույսով: Շատ բարդ էր նաև աշխատել նեոնային դիմահարդարման հետ, քանի որ ցանկացած սխալ շարժում կարող էր փչացնել նկարը»,- ասել է Հիդ Սաիբը:




Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.


Hid Saib Neto has found a way to make the most of the darkness. The 26-year-old Brazilian photographer covered the group of models in neon paint before illuminating them with just a single ultra-violet light.



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